Monday, January 30, 2012

Kindness..... I was standing at my counter rolling dough for my pitas last night.....I was able to witness a pretty awesome thing that made me smile for the rest of the day...and most importantly made me proud to be called "Mom".

Brian has always been a good kid. He was a good baby too. Even gave me a good pregnancy!  Although sometimes hes been a little awkward with things. Always seems to be runnin' about 6 months to a year behind every one else his age, but never the less a good kid. As a new first time Mom worrying about how to raise your child, I always questioned where I could have done better. Im sure letting him keep his bottle till he was almost 4 wasnt the best idea LOL....and I still regret to this day not reading to him more! OH and not giving him a baby sister or brother when he was still little!!...But we did our best, and pulled from our own child hood the most important things that both my husband and I could remember. Respect & Kindness was two of the biggest.

Im sure some people, other kids in particular may view a sensitive child as a dork. Or worse..a NERD! But I think just like with anything else in life, if its done the right way, with the right works out perfectly and that it what i worked the hardest on with Brian.

There is so many things to be cautious about with our kids these days. Much more than when I was a child. Trying to balance self respect and morals, along with the idea of dealing with whats going on in the world around them can be so very hard.  I will never forget the time Brian told me that someone was hurt on the bus by another child, and that when the bus driver asked who did it, Brian told him...but yet was given several dirty looks by the rest of the kids for telling. He couldnt understand why doing the right thing was so wrong.  Teaching your kid to do the right thing vs. doing the socially right thing can be hard. But I think with allot of talking and teaching, we were able to get that balance just right.

Sunday afternoon Brian had a friend over from in the neighborhood that he goes to school with. Both of them have been working on fixing up an old lawn tractor to use to cut grass with, and make money. Brian, just like his Daddy, has always loved tinkering with engines & building things.  Since as far back as 4 years old I can remember him trying to work on his cars and tractors with pretend tools. He loved it!

His buddy that came over isnt really all that experienced when it comes to this sort of thing though. Probably never touched a wrench until he started hanging around with Brian. Good kid, kind, but more of a book smart, artsy kind of kid with allot of talent. Just not much of a grease monkey, but his excitement and thrill when working on this tractor is insane and fun to watch!

Finally, after weeks of the both of them working on this thing..they finally ( With Dads help of course!) got it running and it was time to drive it!! I had my kitchen window open and could hear Brian talking to his buddy about driving it. I could see the concern in his buddy's eyes, the worry and basically the "Oh shit I dont know how to do this, so I just will say no" look. I heard Brian telling him and reassuring him he can do it and that he will teach him and to not be scared. That alone almost made me cry, but then when he said "Ill walk right next to you" really made me see the type of kid I raised.
                 (I snuck a picture through the window. I knew if I came out there they wouldnt let me! )

He never laughed at him or made fun of him cause he was scared, even though he knew he was...and he never thought twice about what to do , to ease his fears. He just knew. He knew the right thing to do and he knew what to do to ease that fear, which is exactly what I have taught Brian all these years in everything. Ive taught him that you only fear things your not sure of, and doing the right thing is never wrong.

                          (Then I snuck out and took another picture...and yes they saw me! LOL)

He made me so proud of him on Sunday, not just because I'm the one he calls Mom, but because he took a situation and figured out how to do not just the right thing, but the kind thing too. Probably a lesson some adults could learn from too. I love this kid, and I cant wait to see the wonderful adult that he is going to grow into one day...and probably the amazing Father hes going to be to his own children too.

Be kind to someone today. You never know just how far that kindness will & can go.


  1. You have raised a wonderful son. Everyone at our home loves Brian & the boys all call him "brother from another mother".
    LOL Martha :)

    1. Thank you Barbie! :)
      Brian really enjoys his time with your boys!
