Monday, May 20, 2013

My little house thats full of BIG memories!

Over the past couple of months, I cant tell you how many times people have asked me why my husband and I just don't BUY a new house vs. all of the changes & remodeling we are currently doing to our 1977 home here in Jacksonville, Florida. Even in line the other day at Home Depot I had a woman start up a conversation with me, where she too made the comment that it is cheaper to buy a new home than to do all the intensive remodeling such as what are doing. "Out with the old!" i hear..."In with the new" they say. Really? 
The little "blue" house

I love my house. I love that it is small ( sometimes) and I love that my son can say that this is the house that he grew up in. I love sitting in my living room and remembering all the moments that happened there. Remembering our first night in our FIRST house, remembering calling my Mom and shrieking with joy as I told her "I'M PREGNANT! I remember my first Christmas first party...I remember the first time I heard LB call me Mom. There are so many firsts that I could never leave.  Like sitting on my couch next to my husband, as we stared into the bassinet that held our son that we just brought home. All the while, wondering, what the heck do we do now? 

I get that bigger is better sometimes, and trading the time to update our house for a new one would surely be allot less work and possibly even money....but I just cant fathom walking away from a home that has brought me & my family so much happiness. 

So yeah, I guess I'm that crazy girl that keeps ticket stubs and candy wrappers from first dates ( Superman Movie 1988, Pizza Hut receipt & a Peppermint Patty wrapper in my keepsake box from my first date with my husband LOL)...and keeps little wood houses built in 1977 that are full of more love and joy than any mansion or new house could ever hold.  


  1. It's not the house - it's your home. Home is where you're happy, and if that's in a trailer in the middle of the woods or a condo on the beach, no one should judge anyone for being where they're happy. If there ever comes a point where it's time to move, you'll know. It may never come, and that's just fine too. When most Americans uproot themselves constantly, I admire you for realizing that sometimes what you already have is perfect (with some updates!) :)

  2. Thank you Stephanie for helping me validate that im not crazy! I will always own this home. I will never sell it. Ever. I didnt even touch on the memories here and the more I look at the picture I remember so many more moments! The deck was built by Brian's Dad & him. Brian poured every inch of concrete around this house. He built our shed. Our back and front yard was only dirt and sticks when we moved in. So much!
