Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lorman Drive

Pride, Love & Home....are the three new words I think of every time I drive by this house, but the not how I have always felt since Maggie's passing back in December.

This is the home of my Uncle Donny & Maggie that they lived in, and loved since the mid 90's. My Uncle LOVED his house and took so much pride in fixing it up...HIMSELF! He worked so hard to make his yard look 'yard of the month' perfect.  Flowers were incredible and bird feeders everywhere. Green plush grass & not a weed to be found.  It was not unusual to drive past his house on any given day and hear his "Polkies" as he referred to them, blaring out the windows while he washed his truck in his driveway, and as Maggie cooked her famous Pork & Sauerkraut dinner!

How I loved visiting this house. It was small. Very small. Not exactly up to date, and by no means perfect. But you just felt good every time you entered it. Everyone did. You couldn't help it. I don't ever remember a time ever walking into this house that I didn't come out feeling good. I can still hear to this day Donny saying " Hey Michella!" or Maggie saying " Heyyyy girl" when I would walk in the door.

But that has all changed. My Uncle passed back in 2007 and we lost Maggie last year. The house is empty, the weeds have sprouted up and little by little the house is changing from its happy, warm loving an empty shell. The first few times I went by it to get the mail...I couldn't even look at it. Every time I opened that mailbox and could see the background of the home in my view, I would get this huge lump in my throat. I told my husband I couldn't do it anymore. It was just too much.

I took this picture a couple of days ago, because I'm afraid if it gets any worse I might forget what it was at one time. It also reminds me to always appreciate the little things. Like they did.  A simple 30 minute visit, a simple hello like the one from my Uncle ...or the sounds of Maggie's sweet high pitched voice screeching with excitement from just a simple visit from something I don't ever want to forget. Its a reminder to all of us the importance of family and our time that we give to each other.

Maggie taught me a lot. More than any school or college degree could ever give me. She loved unconditionally. Everyone. She could be sick, in pain, depressed or exhausted...and she still had a smile for everyone.  Even in her last days and heavily sedated, she smiled and waved as they wheeled her out of her room for more tests. This woman nearly never spoke an ill word about anyone. She welcomed the positive and avoided the negativity of family gossip & drama.  Like I said, she taught me a lot.

My Uncle Donny was so proud. He was proud of his house and how he made it a home. He was proud of how he moved from that little town Pittsburgh, Pa. to the big city of Jacksonville and made it work. He loved to show off his home to his close family. I only wish more family would have stopped by a little more meant more to him than those close to him will ever know.

People leave us, and houses can change...but the memories left behind are whats most important. We can make the life we live now a heaven or  hell, but its up to each person to change to make it better. Live. Love & Laugh a little more every day...its how Don & Madge would have wanted it. :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

My little house thats full of BIG memories!

Over the past couple of months, I cant tell you how many times people have asked me why my husband and I just don't BUY a new house vs. all of the changes & remodeling we are currently doing to our 1977 home here in Jacksonville, Florida. Even in line the other day at Home Depot I had a woman start up a conversation with me, where she too made the comment that it is cheaper to buy a new home than to do all the intensive remodeling such as what are doing. "Out with the old!" i hear..."In with the new" they say. Really? 
The little "blue" house

I love my house. I love that it is small ( sometimes) and I love that my son can say that this is the house that he grew up in. I love sitting in my living room and remembering all the moments that happened there. Remembering our first night in our FIRST house, remembering calling my Mom and shrieking with joy as I told her "I'M PREGNANT! I remember my first Christmas first party...I remember the first time I heard LB call me Mom. There are so many firsts that I could never leave.  Like sitting on my couch next to my husband, as we stared into the bassinet that held our son that we just brought home. All the while, wondering, what the heck do we do now? 

I get that bigger is better sometimes, and trading the time to update our house for a new one would surely be allot less work and possibly even money....but I just cant fathom walking away from a home that has brought me & my family so much happiness. 

So yeah, I guess I'm that crazy girl that keeps ticket stubs and candy wrappers from first dates ( Superman Movie 1988, Pizza Hut receipt & a Peppermint Patty wrapper in my keepsake box from my first date with my husband LOL)...and keeps little wood houses built in 1977 that are full of more love and joy than any mansion or new house could ever hold.