Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Me-Happy Life

I sometimes wonder or feel that there must be something wrong with me. I almost feel ashamed at times to tell people Im happy and love my life. I dont have a long list of things to complain about. I dont wake up miserable. I dont ever feel sorry for myself, or wake up with long list of things to bitch about for the day! Im simply happy.

Times havent always been like this. Several years ago, there were times when I would second guess my choices in life...and wondered if it was heading in the right direction. I wasnt happy and probably rarely portayed that negativity or unhappiness on the people I was the closest to.  I suppose I was settling and didnt think it would ever change.

And then, it did start to change. I opened up more to my husband and did that thing that many couples dont do after being together for over 20 some years...we communicated AND often.. Suprisingly enough? It worked and continues to work in really amazing ways. Im happy. We are happy and I cant imagine ever feeling any better than I do today. Anything more would just be a bonus!...Who wouldnt want to be able to say that? I worked for it and it was worth it times ten!

So I guess I dont really need to apologize to anyone for being happy..or be ashamed that I dont wake up miserable, or feel sorry for myself. I dont feel like Im missing out on anything...I feel like I have everything I need right here, right now. I have an amazing son that I'm more proud of everyday..I have a very loving and caring family and husband that amazes and surprises me every day of my life...and a close group of the most amazing friends that have became as close as family.

We all have a choice to wake up happy or wake up miserable. Aches and pains are treated with medicine, but changing our attitude or outlook on life is something you have to do yourself. Make the changes you need to be happy, why would you ever want to live any other way? Life is way to short and I learned that very quickly in 2006 when Brian's parents died. What was once something that was taken for granted (them) was suddenly gone, and something clicked that day that made me very aware of just how short life is. Not to mention, you dont get a redo. Ever.

Be kind. Be honest. Be the friend to others that you want others to be to you, and most importantly Smile :)

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