Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I expected today to be one of those " I dont wanna do nuthin' " kinda days, since they were predicting a 90% chance of rain. I even rescheduled some warranty work on my Challenger with the dealership because I dont like to drive my car in the rain LOL. Well, apparently...once again, I would be better off predicting the weather with a weather rock ( if its wet its raining kinda logic) since it only sprinkled for maybe 5 minutes and the sun has been shining about 80% of the day! It is beautiful outside. Suns just warm, wiith a cool to warm breeze. I even made sun-tea! You shouldnt be able to make sun-tea on a day when they are predicting theres only a 10% chance you WONT get rain!

Still was able to accomplish something, even though my mind was really set on the rainy day do nothing plan. Which makes it REALLY difficult to get motivated. As does Pinterest. OMG! That place is like crack for a stay at home Mom. The ideas. The recipes. The decorating ideas? Insane. I could easily spend more than 1/2 of my days on there collecting all the very cool knowledge from other creative people.

I am so happy to report that my little Beagle "Lucy" is being much better behaved these days.Ever since we returned from our trip to Wisconsin last November, she has been one little PITA! Getting into everything. Driving my cats nuts. Eating everything in site, along with destroying anything that was within her beagle nose. I seriously didnt know what to do with her. We ended up leaving her in her crate in the evenings because I was tired of getting up 50 times to see what she was into. I think, this was her way to let us know shes not super keen on the idea of us leaving her LOL. Even though she was taken care of by some very caring sweet people that enabled her to stay in her OWN home...she didnt like it. Took almost 2 months to get her back to the way she was before we left. Not to mention, in early December she went into heat. I had no idea that dogs went into heat this young. She wasnt even a year old yet. UGH! Not nice and I will spare all the non-female dog owners of the details.  That also is finally over (4 weeks worth!!) and I now have back my sweet, kind, loving, snuggling little beagle that waits for me every morning on the back of the couch to come home from taking LB to school. We will be getting her fixed within the next few weeks!

Spent much of the day on Pinterest. I feel like I need to confess that to someone. *Creeking dungeon door sounds inserted here:* "Hello, my name is Michelle and ive been addicted to Pinterest for 4 days". Its crazy, but so much fun and VERY inspiring!. The ideas are just endless and I love all the recipes. I guess I could have worse addictions. Like alcohol or drugs LOL. Although I probably feel just as guilty after spending much of my day surfing page after page of way cool "stuff". Tomorrow will be different. Only morning surfing :) I promise ;)

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