Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Its been a little over a year since I wanted to start a blog/journal about my family, hobbies and interests. I figured there is no better time to start than the first month of a new year. So, FINALLY I am doing it! 

        My new year started off fantastic with some great friends, food and laughs. Our friends Kim & Bill had a New Years Eve party at their home and invited our car club family. It was allot of fun. I really love those people. Its been years if not since I moved away from Pittsburgh over 25 years ago, that Ive connected so well with such a great bunch of folks. I feel so blessed and so lucky to have them in our lives. Probably one, if not THE reason I love my car so much! If it wasnt for my car? I would have never met them!

                          Cyndi, Doyle, Sheila & Jesus...just a few of our friends that were there

We ended up coming home early, left about an hour before Midnight to avoid the drunks leaving parties around town! Ended up seeing some awesome fireworks when we were passing through downtown Jacksonville and once again, just like years before...brought in new year with kisses & high fives from the 3 of us! A really nice night :)

Sunday was a day of De-Christmasing our house! Lights put away, tree down...and an overall freshening up of the house! We were able to get it all down, put away, house cleaned, gutters cleaned and grass cut in less than 2 hours! LOL We had to...Maggie was having  a pork & sauerkraut dinner at 2:30 so we were on a mission! We then headed over to there to enjoy a nice dinner with her and Johnny, my Mom & Dad, Janet & Ronnie, Lindsay &Lucas, Uncle Butch & Aunt Dolly and Diane. It was fantastic and so was the company. I love when extended family is here for holidays. It really makes me miss home and miss "old times".

Fast forward to today, Tuesday....kids back to school, hubby back to work and no more sleeping in! Decided to make the Turkey for dinner that hubby got from work for Christmas ( Whoo freakin whoo a turkey as a Christmas bonus! LOL I guess I should be thankful, some people get nothing or worse dont even HAVE a  J-O-B!). House seemed so quiet and empty. No decorations and no one but me, the cats and Lucy. It was peaceful...but Id rather have them home!

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